Common Causes of Motorcycle Freeway Collisions

Riding your motorcycle down the freeway, speeding along can be an exhilarating experience, but that doesn’t change the fact that it can be a dangerous place for vehicles, motorcycles in particular. Due to a motorcycle’s slim profile and exposed nature, not only can they go unnoticed by drivers, but if a collision does occur, motorcycle drivers are significantly more at risk for serious injury. This means that a crash that could lend to a few scrapes in a car driver could end up seriously maiming a motorcycle driver since they are not encased in that protective shell.

Common causes of freeway motorcycle accidents include:

  • Driving at unsafe speeds
  • Driving while distracted
  • Failing to check blind spots
  • Driving too closely to other vehicles

Aside from the negligence of other drivers, motorcycle crashes can often be made worse by defective motorcycle parts and poorly functioning safety equipment. Depending on the circumstances of the crash, motorcycle riders may be entitled to a substantial sum from monetary damages in order to cover medical bills, vehicle damages, rehabilitation expenses, and even pain and suffering. However, these damages are only available to you if it is the other driver’s fault. If it was found that a motorcycle driver was driving recklessly, then the other driver, in turn, might seek damages.

If you were in a motorcycle accident on the freeways around Los Angeles, contact us today. The personal injury lawyers of Freeman & Freeman believe in sharing the road and make sure the victims are taken care of when that doesn’t happen.

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