Pool Accidents are Still a Concern When the Weather is Cool

Now that the weather has cooled down, the last thing that you and your family might be thinking about is your swimming pool. After all, you might have closed down your pool for the season quite some time ago, and the cold temperatures might have you thinking more about coffee and comfort food than about swimsuits and pool toys.

However, just because you aren’t using your pool right now does not mean that you should not be concerned about it. For example, pool accidents are still a concern all year long, and you do not want anyone to get hurt or for you and your family to be liability for someone’s accident.

First of all, it’s important to still keep your swimming pool area locked. Ideally, you should have a tall fence around your pool, and you shouldn’t slack off on keeping it locked and keeping up your warning signs just because your pool isn’t in use right now. Someone could still fall in and get injured, even if your pool has been drained.

Secondly, you should make sure that any kids who are playing on your property are fully supervised and are aware of the importance of staying away from the pool area. After all, just because you aren’t thinking about swimming right now does not mean that a neighbor’s child or one of your children’s friends might not get excited at the sight of the pool and try to dive in. Supervision around the pool is important all year long, including when the pool is closed.

By taking these steps seriously, you can help prevent anyone from being injured, and you can also protect yourself from a potentially expensive lawsuit, too.

If you happen to find yourself in need of a personal injury lawyer, contact us at Freeman & Freeman today.

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