What Classifies as Wrongful Death?

When someone close to you dies, it always seems “wrong,” but that doesn’t mean that is classifies as wrongful death. If they slip away slowly after years of sickness, it is devastating, but it is not a wrongful death. However, when a loved one passes away, it is not always so cut and dry. If you believe that a death of a loved one classifies as wrongful death and thus entitles you to legal action to help cover their medical bills and funeral fees, there are three simple situations that are applicable for a wrongful death suit.

When the Victim is Intentionally Killed

If your loved one was the victim of a murder, that classifies as wrongful death. A good example of this is the case against OJ Simpson. Not only was he put on trial for murder, but also the wrongful death of his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ronald Goldman. As the death was perceived as intentional, it was easy to classify.

When the Victim Dies Because of Medical Malpractice

If a doctor failed to diagnose a condition or they were careless in the level of care needed for a condition that resulted in death, not only can a malpractice suit be brought against them, but a wrongful death suit as well.

Car Accident Fatalities Caused By Negligence

If there is a car accident that resulted in the death of a loved one that was caused by the other driver’s negligence, you can also bring a wrongful death suit against the offending driver.

While there are several other situations that can fall under wrongful death, you shouldn’t have to research them on your own. If a loved one of yours has passed, you deserve time to grieve. Contact us today so that we can build your case while you spend time with your family.

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