Can You Seek Compensation For Burns From Laser Hair Removal?

When it comes to excess hair, some may be able to get by with shaving or waxing it away, but others choose to undergo a cosmetic procedure known as laser hair removal. In this procedure, a technician will use a special laser that is designed to heat hair follicles to remove hair. While the results are temporary, it removes unwanted hair longer than other alternatives. Unfortunately, where there is heat, there is always the potential for burns if enough care is not given.

Laser Hair Removal

The issue with this procedure is often the equipment used. These days, the use of an Intense Pulsed Light machine is becoming more common in laser hair removal facilities and spas. It creates heat faster, and thus gets the job done faster. However, it also creates the opportunity for burns as well because it heats up faster. This means if not enough care is given, it can cause pain and scarring from burns.

Those who go for laser hair removal can put themselves at risk for second or even third-degree burns. Second-degree burns result in the blistering of the skin as well as redness and soreness. Sometimes first-time patrons can think this is just part of the procedure, but it isn’t. When it takes two to three weeks for second-degree burns to go away, that definitely isn’t normal and you shouldn’t just “live with it.”

Of course, far worse are third-degree burns that penetrate all layers of the skin. You can find yourself with nerve damage, impacted blood flow, infection, and not to mention the charred or leathery appearance of the affected skin that often results in scarring. For the most serious third degree burns, you may even need a skin graft to heal the damage.

Safe Hair Removal

Fortunately, very serious burns from laser hair removal are not common, but minor burns can be. It is all about how the laser is used and how much care is given when it is. If you have been injured during a laser hair removal, in most cases, injuries result from the lack of care given by the technician. It is the technician’s job to make sure that the hair is not only removed, but it is done in a safe way without injury.

Often for those who suffered burns from this sort of cosmetic procedure, they discover that the technician was not following the proper procedure, which was designed in order to prevent injury. If this is the case then they or their employer can be on the hook for any damages. However, in some cases, a machine malfunction may be responsible. In these cases, you will be able to go after the manufacturer as well as possibly the technician because they did not see the malfunction and thus did not stop it before it caused damage.

Do I Have a Case?

In cosmetic burn cases, you can recover compensation for the cost of your medical bills, rehabilitation, and emotional distress caused by the scars or pain. However, because there is often a lag between the treatment and any legal action, it is best to photograph the injuries as they happen and heal as evidence for your case. There is nothing that sways opinion better than being able to see the pain you had to endure.

If you have been burnt, whether it be from a cosmetic procedure or from any other accident, contact us today. Burns are some of the most painful injuries that you can endure, and you should not be stuck with the medical bills for it. Let us help you get the compensation you deserve so you can focus on healing instead of how you are going to pay for the healing.

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