Dog Bites / Animal Bites: How To Prevent Them

Nearly 4.5 million Dog Bites / Animal Bites occur in the U.S. each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many of the victims are children, and many of the bites occur in the dogs’ own homes.

And dogs aren’t the only companion animals who can bite and cause serious injury. Cat bites, too, can be very dangerous.

How do you prevent Dog Bites / Animal Bites? Just follow these safety tips.

  • Never corner or try to pick up a frightened cat. Even the sweetest, gentlest house cat will attack if it feels trapped.
  • Supervise young children when they’re with family pets, and teach them to treat dogs and cats with respect and caution.
  • Never startle a dog or cat who’s sleeping, and don’t disturb dogs when they’re eating or caring for puppies. Cats caring for kittens need their own space, too.
  • Don’t try to pet a dog without allowing it to see you and sniff your hand first.
  • Discourage aggressive play by both dogs and cats.

When An Unfamiliar Dog Approaches

Always be cautious of dogs you don’t know. Keep these suggestions in mind to avoid an attack or bite.

  • Avoid direct eye contact with the dog. Direct eye contact sends an aggressive message to both dogs and cats.
  • Stand sideways and stay still until the dog goes away.
  • Say “No” or “Go Home” in a firm, deep voice, but don’t clap your hands or make loud noises that will frighten the dog and make it more likely to attack.
  • If the dog knocks you over, curl into a ball with your head against your chest, and put your hands over your neck and ears.

Sometimes the worst happens, and it’s not possible to prevent an attack. If you’re the victim of a Dog Bite / Animal Bite, contact us to discuss your options and to find out whether you’re entitled to compensation for your injuries.

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